📄️ Reentrancy
This page explains the reentrancy vulnerability in smart contracts.
📄️ Access Control Issues
The access control issues in smart contracts are explained in this page.
📄️ Integer Overflow and Underflow
This page explains the integer overflow and underflow vulnerabilities in smart contracts.
📄️ Uninitialized Storage Pointers
This page explains the risks associated with uninitialized storage pointers in smart contracts and provides an example in Lua.
📄️ Unrestricted Write to Storage
This page explains the unrestricted write to storage vulnerability in smart contracts.
📄️ Denial of Service (DoS)
Denial of Service due to excessive gas consumption
📄️ Floating Pragma
This page explains the floating pragma vulnerability in smart contracts.
📄️ Self-Destruct Function
This page explains the self-destruct function vulnerability in smart contracts.
📄️ Unchecked External Call
This page explains the risks associated with unchecked external calls in smart contracts and provides an example in Lua.